The Nine University Newsletter
The Nine University Newsletter


What’s up fam. Taylor here.

I hope that subject line grabbed your attention – because when I was planning this, when I was writing this, I typed it out as an idea and it definitely stood out to me. 

Lol – ideas don’t matter? Are you sure? (talking to myself)

Ideas are what drives our world right? Ideas are what drive innovation, business, entrepreneurship – ideas are what makes the world a better place.  Those are all things that I told myself when I typed out the four words – “Why IDEAS don’t MATTER.”

But I also knew I typed it for a reason, and I knew I could put together an episode and an email around it, so what do I mean?

Ideas are great.  And they do push a lot of the things that I listed above forward – but what REALLY drives them aren’t the ideas, the thoughts.  What really drives them are the EXECUTION of said ideas.

Ever been sitting around at home, and thought of something, and went damn that’s a billion dollar idea.

I’ve had a few of those.  One of them was a metal frame with a hydraulic system on it that you put under a pool table.  Ever tried to play pool in a small room, and had to use the small cue sticks? It’s super annoying.  So you get a metal frame, make it auto balancing/level, put it on wheels and then if you’re in a touch spot instead of trying to contort your body into a weird position with a short cue stick, simply unlock the wheel, roll the table a little to the side and make your shot.  Boom. Billion dollar idea.

Any of you out there with children? One of the things that my wife and I struggled with when he was an infant was him waking up in the middle of the night, and the only thing that would calm him back down was a bottle. You can’t pre-make bottles for infants, because they have to be kept cold to be kept good, and then heated up for an infant (at least our infant) to take the bottle.  SOO my idea was to create a “bottle cooler/heater” that someone could keep in their bedroom or on their bedside table. You can either make a bottle of formula or put milk in a bottle and the device keeps the bottle cold, and then you can hit a button to warm the bottle up while you’re still laying in bed, it dings when the bottle is the perfect temperature, and you simply grab the bottle and feed your infant.  This would be the alternative to waking up, going downstairs, making the bottle, putting it in a bottle warmer, waiting for it to warm in your cold kitchen in the middle of the night, then going back up stairs, and giving your crying, screaming infant the bottle after waiting several minutes. (at least this is what we had to do.) Boom. Billion dollar idea.

But ya know what? I played pool literally 4 days ago in a house where the walls were too close the table and had to use a short stick and it would mess up all my shots.

And we’re expecting our second child now and I’m not looking forward to the nights where I have to get him or her a bottle and do the same thing I did before.  Because both of those ideas are just simply that – ideas and I didn’t execute on actually making them happen.

The idea of building an Amazon business – of achieving goals and dreams – they are GREAT ideas, they sound amazing, they sound great, and they get us excited.  But if we don’t EXECUTE – we don’t have a great why, we don’t focus on one thing at time, we aren’t persistent, we allow our fears to be roadblocks and stop us in our tracks – then that idea fades, the excitement fades, and we end up in exactly the same place as we were before we had even heard of Amazon FBA.

The idea of Amazon, the idea of selling on Amazon, the idea of product research, the idea of supplier negotiation, the idea of ranking said products, the IDEA of them is literally worthless. I’m 100% positive that absolutely ANYONE in the entire world could build an Amazon FBA business – IF and ONLY if they are willing to execute on said ideas.

Don’t just let your excitement and thought process drive your ideas and your thoughts.  Make your excitement and though process drive your EXECUTION – and honestly there is no telling where you’ll end up.

Love you guys. Every single one of you.


What have you got for ME?

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The Nine University Newsletter
The Nine University Newsletter
Actual HELPFUL and PRACTICAL info on Amazon FBA, Making Money, and Living Life to the Fullest.