The Nine University Newsletter
The Nine University Newsletter
How to beat the FEAR

How to beat the FEAR


What’s up fam. Taylor here.

And I’m here to talk about the scary stuff today.

Unfortunately, we as humans – we are driven by fear.  Actually let me re-phrase, we allow ourselves to be driven by fear.

When we’re starting/working on our Amazon businesses – all of the following can happen and take place:

The fear of losing money.

The fear of being seen as weird.

The fear of NOT following the status quo.

The fear of no support.

The fear of failure.

The fear of being scammed.

The fear of not trusting ourselves or who we’re working with.

The fear of not “keeping up with the Jones’s”

The fear of looking stupid.

The fear of losing time.

The fear of wasting time.

The fear of amounting to nothing.

The fear of making a mistake.

The fear of coming up on a challenge that we can’t overcome.

I would bet any amount of money that at LEAST one of those if not multiple of those – every single person who ever reads or listens to this experiences, goes through, or thinks about.  Honestly the only reason I could type out that list so fast when I was putting it together is because I think I’ve experienced every single one.

How do we combat them? How do we get over them? How do we get past them? How do you fight fear?

There are a couple of ways, some work better than others.  Some would say that the only way to combat fear is to face them head on – and overcome them.  Some would say that to get over a fear – you just simply don’t let it overcome you.  Some would say to get past them we keep moving forward, one step at a time, no matter what.  Some would say to fight them you fight yourself.

Some of those could work, some of the won’t work, some of them take an extremely special person to even halfway accomplish anything. 

But what I’ve done in my life, and what I believe will work in your life is simple – change the way you THINK about fear.

If you’ve ever been on any of my livestreams in Nine University – you may have heard me say this before, and I will continue to say it for the rest of my life and who knows, maybe one day write an entire book on the matter.  But fears – or challenges in our lives, we have the option to allow them to be two things.

One is a road bump.  One is a roadblock.

For a road bump, you simply have to slow down a little bit, ease over it, and then you keep going, you’re still on your way.  For a roadblock, it stops you in your tracks.  You can’t go any further. And when we face our fears, we can allow those fears to be either one, either slow you down a little bit but keep going, or let it stop you completely in your tracks.

I made a pact with myself a few years ago now that I would never let anything in my life be a roadblock.  I won’t let fears, challenges, completely asinine decisions by Amazon or anyone else to stop me.  I’d only ever allow them to be road bumps they might slow me down, they might cause a little jarring as I go over them, but I won’t be stopped.

I’m well aware the fears and challenges will happen – and no matter what we do, constantly try to change our path, try to do everything perfectly, we aren’t perfect.  We’re going to face them, we’re going to experience them – but what happens WHEN you experience something is what defines you, your life, your legacy, and where you go.

There’s an age old story that goes that Thomas Edison failed 1000 times trying to create the lightbulb.  And when a reporter asked him what it felt like to fail 1000 times – he answered, “I didn’t fail 1000 times.  The light bulb was an invention with 1000 steps” OR “I didn’t fail 1000 times.  I just figured out 999 ways not to make a lightbulb.”

Whether that is actually true or not, I’ll be honest I don’t know.  But what I do know is that is such a beautiful way to view challenges, fears, mistakes and failures.  You learn from them, you don’t allow them to be a roadblock, simply a roadbump.

Love you guys. Every single one of you.


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Actual HELPFUL and PRACTICAL info on Amazon FBA, Making Money, and Living Life to the Fullest.